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Gaea Project Presentation


ΙΜΗ together with GrantXperts Consulting presented the Innovative European Project «GAEΑ Granting Access to Employment & entrepreneurship in Agriculture for women» to local stakeholders in Cyprus, on 25th of October at Gardens of Future in Nicosia.


The presenters focused on GAEA’s mission is to inspire, mentor, nurture, empower and train women - especially those that are currently neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET situation) and/or have a migrant background - to perceive entrepreneurship as a valid career choice and to thrive as successful, confident and resourceful entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs that have a digital mindset and are able to innovate, protect the environment and generate sustainable growth and employment in rural areas across EU countries and more specifically in Cyprus.


Representatives of various local stakeholders attended the presentation of the project and discussed the needs and difficulties of young women in agri-preneurship, living in rural areas in Cyprus


Aigaleo 5 | 2057 Strovolos | P.O. Box 21185, 1503

Nicosia, Cyprus

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